07. July 2016 | Compound Semiconductors

Chinese LED manufacturer Xiamen Changelight puts AIX R6 MOCVD system into production

AIXTRON announces additional successful qualification of next generation MOCVD tool

AIXTRON SE (FSE: AIXA; NASDAQ: AIXG), a worldwide leading provider of deposition equipment to the semiconductor industry, announced today that Chinese optoelectronics manufacturer Xiamen Changelight has successfully finalized the qualification of AIXTRON’s Close Coupled Showerhead MOCVD system AIX R6.

In the course of the qualification process, the AIX R6 not only demonstrated its production capabilities but also proved outstanding performances in terms of gas consumption, intrinsic yield and uniformity. Particularly designed for LED mass production, Changelight’s qualification of the AIX R6 marks another important step forward for AIXTRON’s next generation MOCVD manufacturing equipment.

“We are delighted that Changelight has qualified the AIX R6 for LED high-volume manufacturing while at the same time putting the system into production. By meeting Changelight’s production standards, we have achieved another important customer qualification milestone for the AIX R6. We deeply appreciate our customer’s trust in our next generation MOCVD technology. Based on our longstanding and great business relationship with Changelight, we are looking forward to further deepening our cooperation in the fields of gallium arsenide- and gallium nitride-based applications,’’ comments Dr. Bernd Schulte, Executive Vice President and COO of AIXTRON SE.

Changelight’s headquarters is located in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China. Founded in 2006, Xiamen Changelight Co. Ltd. mainly produces full-color ultra-bright LED epitaxial wafers and chips, high performance gallium arsenide solar cells and LED lighting products. The company also provides energy-saving lighting application solutions.

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Our registered trademarks: AIXACT®, AIXTRON®, Atomic Level Solutions®, Close Coupled Showerhead®, CRIUS®, EXP®, EPISON®, Gas Foil Rotation®, Optacap™, OVPD®, Planetary Reactor®, PVPD®, STExS®, Trijet®

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